Products prohibited for transportation

Products prohibited for transportation
Dear customers! It is prohibited to carry the following products:
- Chandelier and frame (If the packaging is not correct);
- All kinds of weapons, ammunition, all kinds of military items, explosives, military equipment;
- Hazardous substances, as well as radioactive substances and materials related to their preparation technology;
- Narcotics and psychotropic substances, equipment for their use, as well as materials related to their preparation technology;
- Pornographic items, materials that promote and advertise immorality, violence, terrorism;
- Live animals, plants and seeds;
- Literature about hidden cameras, special secret communication tools, their codes and operation;
- Information systems, documents and archives on operational investigative activities of the Ministries of Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs;
- Accumulators;
- Perishable food products;
- Religious books;
- Shock absorbers;
- Engines;
- Hover Board scooters;
- Car oils and all goods containing car oil;
- Items prohibited to be transported by air transport;
- Items prohibited for import into the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Lithium batteries and equipment with lithium batteries from Turkey;
*Export of firearms, weapon parts or accessories, optical sights, optical binoculars and war items is not allowed.
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